If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us at info@lukemeyerconsulting.com
When you incorporate a Legal Nurse Consultant into your team, you will be able to achieve smoother case flow. This allows you to specialize in what you do best, and for us to do what we do best. You will be able to screen, process, and take on new cases in a more efficient manner. We have the expertise to:
Doing this is akin to hiring your auto mechanic to fix an electrical issue in your home. That person may have a basic idea what is wrong, but they are not going to have the experience needed to do the job right. You need a legal nurse consultant for a complete picture of the intricacies, inconsistencies, and the protocols that should have been followed.
We only work with plaintiffs and defendants at the request of their attorney. The ethical code of conduct of our profession does not permit us to work with people who have not retained an attorney, nor do we refer patients to attorneys. Whether as healthcare providers or legal consultants, we never provide legal advice to patients.
The sooner the better. We at LCG want to give you the time and guidance you deserve. If you are facing a mountain of records, struggling with a medical issue, needing a medical expert, or are preparing for a difficult deposition, call us.
Before you file suit let us provide you with a deeper understanding of the medical issues and applicable standards of care. We can prepare you for the game and highlight the pitfalls before tip-off happens. Don't get blindsided by unforeseen issues.
Immediately upon retaining us. The sooner we have all of the records the more accurate, efficient, and cost-effective we are in helping you.
Absolutely not. Retain those for your records. Documents and films can get lost or damaged. We prefer to receive copies of records in electronic format compatible with Adobe when possible.
In most cases this should not be necessary. In the rare case that you should receive documentation where the source or date of service is not evident, please try to label the document with this information before sending it to us.
Yes. If we are already familiar with your case, this is much easier. If we are unfamiliar with your case, this is a more demanding proposition. We will do our best to help you and meet your deadlines. We only charge a rush fee when we have to.
Typically we do, depending on the the service that we are being contracted to provide. Some services only require a flat fee. Please contact us for details.